Strongest leaders in Europe 2011–2015
Since our company’s solvency risk remained continuously low for a period of over 5 years and the company has not faced any other risks, in 2016, Sangina was recognised as one of the most economically stable companies in Europe over a period of 5 years and was awarded a CrefoCertSTABILUS GOLD Certificate recognised at a European level by Creditreform, an enterprise assessing credit risk of companies. Based on the information provided by Creditreform, less than 5 percent of all active European companies may obtain this certificate.
This label is granted in accordance with the methodology used by the German agency Verband der Vereine Creditreform founded in 1879. This recognition and certificate increase mutual trust between our company and our customers and support our position in negotiations with partners, buyers, banks as well as investors both on a domestic and international scale.